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An Interview with Mrs.Mock
by Mihika Agarwal

All of us students know what online school feels like, but we decided to bring you an exclusive look into how the teachers feel seeing all their students as little boxes on their scree. Here is what Mrs. Mock feels about online school.

What are the advantages of online school?
Mrs. Mock: “Well, it has been convenient for both students and myself. I have had students attend class from different places and I have been able to come into the classroom or work from home. I do like there have been office hours so that students have a designated time to come and ask for additional help or make up their assessments, sometimes this is difficult to find the time to fit these types of things with in person school.”
"What are some disadvantages of online school?”
Mrs. Mock: “I think it has been more challenging to keep students focused and motivated to complete assignments. This year we also missed out on field trips and from being able to do math rotations which really help reinforce learning for students.” 
"What do you like about online school?”
Mrs. Mock:  “I have really enjoyed the breakout rooms in Zoom, I think it has allowed me to better multi-task and connect with students on a personal level.”
"What do you not like about online school?”
Mrs. Mock: “I just miss not being able to see my students in person and doing hands on things. I also found it more challenging to do projects with the class.”



An Interview with the Principal
By Mihika Agarwal

We also decided to ask our Principls Ms. Lee about how running a school in COVID has been for her.

What has been the most challenging thing for you this school year?” 
Ms.Lee: I think this year has been challenging for everyone. We all had to shift our mindset and change the way we attend school.
“Is there anything that has gone smoothly this year?”
Ms.Lee: There are many things that have gone smoothly. I think our classroom learning and outside events such as PTO events have made wonderful transitions to the Online platform.
"What are you looking forward to the most this school year?”

Ms.Lee: I look forward to seeing everyone on campus. It's been too long!
“Do you think students will still be using google classroom when covid-19 is over?”
Ms.Lee: I hope so! I think Google Classroom is a wonderful tool for in-person and/or virtual learning. I think this experience will allow us to be more tech savvy in the classroom.
“What do you miss the most about in-person school?”
Ms.Lee: I miss seeing everyone and hearing voices. I miss everyone so much!

by Nikita Jain

You all have read our newspaper articles right? But do you want to know what happens behind the scenes? Well, that’s what I’m going to talk about. We all have different assignments for each paper that we write, we can write for other topics though, too. We have one meeting every two weeks. So we have two weeks to write a couple or more articles and two weeks after that in case anyone hasn’t finished. We have a partner for each topic that we write, so we have multiple articles for each topic.

We also have an editor to correct grammar or spelling mistakes that we made in our writing. After we finish our articles our editor chooses the people who wrote the best (but they have to be on time) as the co-editors for that issue who then get to write the editorial for our home page. 

To be a reporter we had to apply for the job and send in a sample of our writing. Not everyone who applies, gets selected, so if you didn’t try out this year or didn’t get selcted, you can always send in your work and our reporters select which ones to publish in our next issue.Hope you all liked learning about what goes on behind the scenes in our newspaper team!

Student Interview
by Nikita Jain

Here I have interviewed a few students on how this year went. I got a few different responses, and I am here to share them with you. Here are the questions and their answers:

“How did you feel about this year being virtual? Why?”
Suhana Hallyal: “It was ok, it was hard to learn but it was also going faster.”
Davian: “I really don't appreciate how this whole year so far has been virtual. All the other local and nearby cities have been opening schools while we're in our own bubble. Why can't we just go back to school? This is affecting my education and I can feel it. I have trouble paying attention in school too. Other schools have proved that doing these methods like hybrid learning can be helpful. I really do not enjoy being virtual.”
“Was this year harder or easier? Why?” 
Anonymous: “Harder because if there was lag you would not know what the teacher was saying.”
Suhana Hallyal: “Harder because the teachers could not focus on one child, right? Because everyone had problems.”
Davian: “[It was the] Hardest. I couldn't pay attention or focus because of virtual learning. Back in normal school I've been rocking with great grades and paying attention well.”
“Did you like the idea of schools opening? Why?”
Suhana Hallyal: “Yes because it will be more fun and easier”
Davian: “I like in person school because I can make more friends and actually talk to people. I can be in a social environment which I find better. Also, many people cyber bully a lot when online. People think they can get away with it because of the internet sheltering their faces. I know some people who would be too scared to even say a word in front of class, but would do and say many mean things while online.”


by Mihika Agarwal

This has been a hard year and I think that I am speaking for everyone. Covid-19 has spread across the world and that is why school is online. You might want to remember this school year’s memories and your classmates by getting the yearbook. If you think that you want to go to online school then you can open your yearbook and remember what it looked like.

A yearbook allows you to remember all your classmates and your teacher. Maybe one of your classmates or your teacher helped you through this pandemic. If you are in fifth grade and are graduating to 6th grade middle school this will be a good reminder of Weibel.

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