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...continued Interview: Mrs. Mock

"Are there any changes that would happen if we didn’t have online school?”
Mrs. Mock: “I'm not sure what we would do if we weren't able to meet online for school. So although things aren't perfect, I think we are fortunate to have the resources that we do have.”
"Is online school harder or easier? Why?”
Mrs. Mock: “It's kind of a mix of both. Some things have been easy to maintain while online while some things have been more tedious. I have spent tons more time reading, writing, and sending emails than ever before. Overall, I think it is more time consuming but have found that as time as gone on, that I have become a little more accustomed to these adjustments.”
"Has online school helped you spend more time with your family?”
Mrs. Mock: “Yes and no, while we may be all in the same house we are also all in separate rooms. My sons need their own space to participate in their Zoom classes. We see each other if we have similar breaks.”

"Do you like online school or school not being online? Why?”
Mrs. Mock: “I have enjoyed that I could still teach during this pandemic and that there have been so many programs available to help me teach and keep students engaged.”

We greatly appreciate Mrs. Mock for sharing her thoughts with us.

...continued Interview: Ms. Lee

"Do students need more discipline online or in in-person school?”
Ms.Lee: I think it has been a little less due to parents being able to help supervise their own children at home.
“What are you planning to do with the empty classrooms now that 6th graders are gone?”
Ms.Lee: That depends on our district needs. However, since we do not need any classrooms outside our gates, we will now be able to lock all our gates during the school day!

"What do you like better, in-person school or online? Why?”
Ms.Lee: I definitely like in-person better as we can see eye to eye and be able to talk to one another quicker than finding them on Zoom. It's also because we're so used to in-person rather than being Online all day for Elementary School. I think this experience we had during the past year and a half will really allow us to appreciate the small things in life.
I miss everyone lots and hope to see all of you real soon. Have a great summer, stay safe, and hope everything goes well and we can all see each other in August!

We'd like to thank Ms. Lee for her time and we can't wait to see everyone in person next year.

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