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January 18, 2021

...continued Covid-19 Vaccine

You should know scientists think the vaccine may come with some side effects including flu-like symptoms. That can be distracting when it comes to going to work or school. Plus, right now the main focus will be to get the vaccine to front line workers, working in hospitals and then to elders. Pfirzer and BioNTechs’ vaccine is only available to 16+ for now. 


Although vaccines may not be a cure, they are a very important tool we need to stop infections from coming back. That’s why we usually get vaccinated every year for the flu. The flu shots you get help make sure your body knows how to stop the flu if you do get it. Vaccines are very important to help contain and slowly stop the spread of the virus. The numbers of ill and dying are getting higher. There have been close to 16 million cases, just in the U.S. Imagine how many are all over the world!


To be ready for the vaccine, make sure to keep an eye out for when it will be available for you and/or family. Hopefully everyone will be vaccinated soon. Now we are one step closer to ending this pandemic! But still make sure, we are all still taking safety precautions. Please keep washing your hands regularly (for 20 or more seconds). Keep a social distance from people who are not in your immediate family. Wear a mask in public, and stay away from large gatherings. 


We all must hope the vaccine is available for all of us soon!

...continued Stimulus: A Possible Deal

But when will the stimulus come? In fact, the funds have been doled out! The bill has been passed, and it is now signed by the president. This is great news for Americans who are eager to get money.  However, their happiness may be short lived. Some people who don’t qualify for stimulus and are financially pressed will continue in their situation. However, while we wait for the next and hopefully better bill to be passed, we should try and help out by donating to charities and food banks as well as buying from small businesses.

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